Monday, August 24, 2020

One Minute Manager Essay

The most evident exercise I learned in how straightforward administration can be. The One Minute Manager Style of Management, at it’s most exceptional structure is fundamentally something contrary to micromanaging. It is a snappy and speedy and compact type of the executives that maxamizes results. It is a procedure that can likewise be taken outside of the work place. Brief Goal Setting is the least difficult of the means to turning into a One Minute Manager. It requires the two gatherings to record their objectives in a short and compact organization. One moment praisings are one of a kind in light of the fact that the administrator invests extensive energy looking for what a worker does directly as opposed to foreseeing the representative to accomplish something incorrectly. A considerable lot of us can recall to when we were kids and planned something for upset our folks. The occasions that we felt the most exceedingly awful were the point at which our folks acted in a way reliable with the One Minute Reprimand style. It is imparative that a chief defines clear and succinct objectives with the worker when the first run through at work. Everytime there is an undertaking the employee(s) ought to plunk down and compose objectives that don't surpass a page long, yet ought to likewise be quantitive. Peruse and rehash every objective occasionally, just as assessing the employee’s execution. In the wake of perusing the objective setting methodology it would have spared me numerous cerebral pains and false impressions. It is particularly pleasant in light of the fact that the director and the worker get a duplicate of the objectives. On the off chance that the worker ever overlooks the objectives, the person in question can just gander at their one page record. The chief should document the objectives so they can be returned to upon the project’s finish to check whether objectives were met. The entirety of this takes out dissemination of obligation inside the work environment since each repr esentative will have a composed articulation of what they have to concentrate on for their undertaking. I as of late began utilizing One Minute Appraisals. I began this around 3 months back. It has profited me both in my expert and individual life. It has improved my relationship with my sweetheart. She has continually whined about how I never mention to her what she progresses admirably. I at long last took the intiative and chose to mention to her what she progresses nicely. I saw it improved a relationship with another representative. He is accountable for a â€Å"additional duty.† However, since he is new he had an inclination that he didn't have the foggiest idea about the program just as he could have. I inquired as to whether he had gotten the preparation reltated to the extra obligation. He stated, â€Å"Yes.† I continued to ask him a progression of inquiries he should know. He addressed them all effectively and even given me data that I didn't have a clue. To me, this was noteworthy in light of the fact that I went through 2 years at this base and 4 months on this extra obligation and had never realized what he had recently let me know. After he gave every one of us his important information I pulled him aside and applauded him. I disclosed to him that he should be progressively sure and he just gave significant data to 2 of the most experienced specialists in the shop. Much the same as the book said he would be, he was shocked. I gave him a very strip down variant of the examination. I didn't be that as it may, disclose to him the advantage he had towards the shop. I saw the acknowledgment in his eyes and the lift in his certainty. I will take what I gained from this book and use it, particularly now since I will be considered dependable of the preparation of the 5 most up to date airmans. Brief censure is an exceptionally valuable device in a manager’s armory. It tells the worker what the person in question fouled up, why it agitates the supervisor, and why it isn't advantageous to the organization, all in less than one moment. I for one don't care to give brief censures. I normally am frustrated when a kindred worker neglects to do what I ask, and essentially volunteer to carry out the responsibility accurately. The organization would profit most on the off chance that I approached this kindred worker and revealed to him why I am baffled in him. Some portion of the fault would be put on myself since I didn't build up composed objectives with that person. On the off chance that there was where composed objectives were built up, ideally a brief censure would spur the representative not to committ a similar mix-up. The One Minute Goal Setting, One Minute Appraisals, and One Minute Reprimad permits the One Minute Manager to invest satisfactory energy with his workers so as to create the most ideal outcomes. It likewise opens up an ideal opportunity for the chief to concentrate on the business and make prospects of development. The time went through with workers isn't about quanitity, it’s about quality. The chief permits an opportunity to make one of a kind desires for every representative just as keep up open correspondence about accomplishments and disappointmens of workers. This framework gives input while permitting the workers and the chief to move about things at a brisk pace to keep steady over everything. The One Minute Manager is perfect inside the working environment because of the degree of trust he has built up with his representatives, and the achievement he has in all parts of his life.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Talking About Future Events in Spanish

Discussing Future Events in Spanish It is normal to expect that on the off chance that you need to talk in Spanish about something that will occur later on, that you would utilize the future tense of the action word. Be that as it may, as in English, there are different methods of telling about future occasions. The thing that matters is that in Spanish, those different methods of communicating what's to come are normal to such an extent that the future tense as often as possible is utilized for purposes other than examining what's to come. Here, at that point, and are the three most normal methods of telling about future occasions. Utilizing the Present Tense As in English, and particularly in informal use, the current state can be utilized while talking about a forthcoming occasion. Salimos ma㠱ana, we leave tomorrow (or, we will leave tomorrow). Te llamo esta tarde, Im calling (or, I will call) you this evening. In Spanish, the timeframe should be demonstrated (either straightforwardly or by the unique circumstance) when utilizing the current state to allude to what's to come. The current future is utilized frequently for occasions that are going on sooner rather than later and that is sure or arranged. Ir An and Infinitive  A extremely basic method of communicating what's to come is to utilize the current state of ir (to go), trailed by an and the infinitive. It is what could be compared to stating going to ... in English and is utilized in fundamentally a similar way. Voy a comer, I will eat. Va a comprar la casa, he is going to purchase the house. Vamos a salir, we are going to leave. This use of ir an is regular to the point that it is now and again thought of by certain speakers as the future tense, and in certain regions, it has everything except traded the conjugated future tense for discussing what's to come. Along these lines of communicating the future has the bit of leeway that it is amazingly simple to learn. Just get familiar with the current characteristic tenses conjugation of ir, and youll have it aced. The Conjugated Future Tense At the point when used to discuss the future, the conjugated future tense is the comparable in English of saying will followed by the action word. Saldremos ma㠱ana, we will leave tomorrow. Comer㠩 la hamburguesa, I will eat the cheeseburger. This utilization of things to come tense is presumably more typical recorded as a hard copy than in ordinary discourse.

ABELARDO ED ELOISA Essays - , Term Papers

ABELARDO ED ELOISA La storia La storia di Abelardo e Eloisa ha inizio nel1116 a Parigi, quando lo zio di Eloisa, il canonico Fulberto, che aveva a cuore l'istruzione dell' adolescente che gli period stata affidata, choose di mandarla alla scuola sul colle di Sainte Genevieve, fondata dal bretone Pietro Abelardo. Quest'ultimo e maestro di logica, filosofo e teologo (sembra sia stato il primo advertisement usare il termine teologia), nonche uno dei piu illustri studiosi della sua epoca. Nel pieno della fama e del successo, ancora giovane - ha around 36 anni - viene travolto dalla passione amorosa per la sua allieva Eloisa, tanto che, che per starle piu vicino chiede alloggio a Fulberto, il quale accetta con entusiasmo. Il rapporto fra precettore e allieva si fa subito stretto, la reciproca ammirazione si trasforma presto in passione d'amore. Tuttavia, se per Abelardo sembrava essere solo erotismo, per Eloisa Abelardo non e solo tra I maestri il piu prestigioso, mama appare l'uomo piu affascinante, che la fa sentire grande e matura. Al mio signore, anzi padre, al mio sposo anzi fratello, la sua serva o piuttosto figlia, la sua sposa o meglio sorella... ti ho amato di un love sconfinato... mi e sempre stato piu dolce il nome di amica e quello di amante o prostituta, il mio cuore non time con me mama con te. Abelardo compone per Eloisa struggenti poesie d'amore che si diffondono e diventano popolari in tutta Parigi, grazie alla loro dolcezza delle parole e bellezza del ritmo musicale. Esplode subito lo scandalo: Fulberto furibondo allontana Abelardo, che ancora non sa che Eloisa e incinta. Quando glielo comunica per lettera, egli choose di rapirla approfittando dell'assenza di Fulberto per condurla a Pallet( Bretagna), e farla ospitare nella casa di famiglia. Qui, alla fine dell'anno1116 , partorisce Astrolabio (rapitore delle stelle). Abelardo, spinto dai sensi di colpa verso Fulberto, si dichiara disposto a sposare Eloisa nella condizione che il matrimonio rimanga segreto per non danneggiare la propria carriera di chierico. Cosi, tornati a Parigi,Abelardo e Eloisa,che period inizialmente contaria al matrimonio, si sposano segretamente in presenza dello zio di lei e di pochi amici, mama presto la famiglia di Eloisa divulga la notizia. I due si trovano in difficolta: negare il matrimonio ora non basta piu, ed Abelardo quindi convice Eloisa promotion entrare nel monastero nel quale time stata educata, quello di HYPERLINK o Argenteuil Argenteuil. Fulberto, accecato dal disonore e dal sospetto che Abelardo voglia disfarsi della nipote per salvare il suo prestigio professionale, paga tre sicari, che sorprendono lo sfortunato di mattino, ancora addormentato, e lo evirano. Due di essi verranno catturati e - secondo la legge del taglione-accecati ed evirati a loro volta, mentre Ful berto, mandante dell'aggressione, verra solamente sospeso dai suoi incarichi. Per l'umiliazione e la vergogna, entrambi si ritirano in convento, e da questo momento le loro strade si separeranno e I due amanti non si rivedranno mai piu. Eloisa prende I voti e trascorre il resto della sua vita promotion Argenteuil, mentre Abelardo si ritira nell'abbazia di Saint Denis, dove diventa eunuco. Quando Abelardo e ancora subside di Saint Gildas, in Bretagna, capita per caso nelle mani di Eloisa una sua lettera in cui narra an un amico le proprie sventure. Eloisa choose quindi di scrivergli ricordandogli I tempi della loro passione, che in lei non si e mai spenta, e cosi scrive: Non ho voluto soddisfare la mia volonta e il mio piacere, mama te e il tuo piacere, lo sai bene. Eloisa gli rimprovera di non averla piu cercata da allora, di non averle mai scritto, e mentre le sue parole, a distanza di anni, sono ancora piene di appassionato love, le risposte di Abelardo invece rimangono sempre su un piano religioso, e al massimo di affetto. E' cambiato: ormai trova conforto solo nei grandi successi nel campo culturale, e risponde an Eloisa invitandola a rispettare il suo status di devota al signore indicandole la preghiera come unico rimedio alla tempesta dei sensi. Eloisa non si arrende. E ancora giovane (ha around 35 anni) ed e presa dai ricordi che lei considera indimenticabili: Il piacere che ho conosciuto e stato cosi strong point che non posso odiarlo. E pone promotion Abelardo in maniera lacerante questa domanda:

Friday, August 21, 2020

Anatman The Five Skandas And Emptiness

To put it plainly, the regulation of the five Kansas infers that the â€Å"self† is profoundly Returning to the Second Noble Truth: The Second Noble Truth states: dodged has specifiable causes. Keep in mind, the e foundation of dodged is, to a limited extent, . Yet, this is an aftereffect of accepting that oneself is a thing and along these lines foolhardier. Furthermore, we would now be able to see that is achieved by than manta. The three foundations of enduring are therefore: (wanting to have) of the way that ‘You† are not any more 2. 3. Void: The Sanskrit word (needing to not have) (Of reality Of manta) is usually interpreted as â€Å"emptiness. Due t the negative implications of the word, numerous contemporary researchers of Bud murmur have recommended elective interpretations, for example, â€Å"limitlessness† or â€Å"boundlessness. † In this class we'll adhere to the regular interpretation of â€Å"emptiness† while remembering the at i t doesn't imply that â€Å"nothing exists† or â€Å"nothingness. † There are numerous layers to the idea that have created since forever . From one viewpoint, there is the he other hand, there is the thought which well gander at by and by. On t idea. Well analyze this viewpoint when talk about care (in this segment of the course) and Zane (in the Zen socio n).Two Metaphysical Senses of Emptiness: Sense 1: This most seasoned feeling of the term is just the idea of manta (and therefore the five Kansas). This is the understanding taken up by the Sense 2: custom of Buddhism. This comprehension is the more current of the two (despite the fact that from our point of view it s very antiquated). To put it plainly, the case all of the truth is drastically not only the â€Å"self. † This significance of vacancy is corn to the custom of Buddhism, and begins in the Mohammad theory of Nicaragua. Notwithstanding, we need somewhat more detail to do the thought justice.Dependen t Origination: The focal thought behind ward beginning is that everything is drastically and in radical One significant outcome of this is there are neither nor causes impacts ?there is nothing that can be recognized as the reason or the e impact. There is just the passing interrelation of the five procedures. Along these lines, the truth is close to a huge arrangement Of _processes. Try not to mistake this for the singed â€Å"butterfly impact. † Another significant outcome is that there are no There field' mystically NT after everything else. Articles. Surely, everything is drastically dependedOther phrasing for subordinate start incorporates â€Å"interdependent emerging † â€Å"interdependent coarsening,† or essentially â€Å"interdependence. † Wrapping up: So, the differentiation between the two faculties of vacancy is extremely one of just r hanging the extreme association of the Kansas to the â€Å"self† and of globalization it to the entire ty of the real world. Be that as it may, the ramifications of globalization reliance are significant. The y include: 1. There are no 2. Everything is 3. There are no on and things by any means. With everything else. 4. Truly nothing exists-?just aims and impacts. Exist-?and in this way no Exist. 5. Obliviousness as a reason for dodged not just implies that one is uninformed of reality of manta, yet that one is additionally oblivious of the over four realities (among others). These outcomes are critical to note while talking about the varied CE between and which we won't have the option to completely sum up until the finish of this area. An Interesting Question: self next? Given that Buddhism acknowledges that idea of rebirth yet guarantees that there e is no (however only a lot of consistently evolving forms), would could it be that is renewed from one untruth expense to the Let's talk about this as a class.

Monday, July 20, 2020

FutureFit Projects

FutureFit Projects Our latest updates for the week of August 27, 2017 This week, we're sharing our new FutureFit Projects, which incorporate social-emotional, real-world, and college- and career-readiness skills into core curriculum through our FutureFit skill set. FutureFit Projects: Spin Factory - Design a Fidget Device First up is a project-based lesson covering measurement and conversion of measurements. It is designed to reinforce core math subject material while also incorporating social-emotional learning and character education skills and concepts. Grade: 4 Subjects: Mathematics | Measurement | Money Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Our next project-based lesson covers the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal. It is designed to reinforce core science subject material while also incorporating social-emotional learning and character education skills and concepts. our students and your teaching.   If you missed last week's update, you can find it here. Let's Connect! Find TeacherVision on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Racial and Ethnic Groupings in America Essay - 550 Words

Racial and Ethnic Groupings in America (Essay Sample) Content: Racial and Ethnic Groupings in AmericaSung Oh BangProfessor Ward28/2/2015Racial and Ethnic Groupings in AmericaDiversity has led to greater cognizance and understanding both of self and others in the society leading to increased efforts to avert prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping. In America, back in 1961 marriage between a white and a Black African was illegal CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012). A society that observes prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping flops in using the resources of all individuals in an optimum way and this worsens social problems such as poverty, delinquency, and crime. According to CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012) the burden of solving these social problems among the inferior group is transferred to the dominant group and it remains as a financial burden. This justifies the efforts by the American government and higher education to bring everyone together into an integrated whole with no dominant or subordinate grou ps. This has created information that has helped people to understand each other and has shaped the way people relate. Schaefer finds out that this understanding of each other has resulted in good results in that group names that were applied segregate people has changed with time. For example, group labels like Blacks have changed from Negroes to Blacks to African Americans (2012).The immigration Act of 1965 has created a notable growth in the number of Korean immigrants in the United States making Korean Americans to increase rapidly. According to a research done by CITATION Weo01 \l 1033 (Rupnow, 2001) Koreans follow their culture a factor that present hurdles that make Korean immigrants to adjust to American mainstream culture. Decision making for example, is influenced by the opinions of other members of their family or community a fact that conflicts with the American emphasis on individualism CITATION Weo01 \l 1033 (Rupnow, 2001). Koreans fear making decisions based on thei r own individual preferences and taste as they are likely to be labeled selfish according to their cultural practices. The other notable thing about the history of their culture is the role of religion among Koreans. Many Koreans get their strength and support from religion. Statistics indicates that most Koreans have a religion with 49 percent being Christians, Buddhist, 47 percent, Confucianist, three percent and others one percent CITATION Weo01 \l 1033 (Rupnow, 2001). Important to note is that Confucianism is taken more a philosophy than a religion as it dictates the way Korean people thinks and behaves for the last five to six centuries CITATION Weo01 \l 1033 (Rupnow, 2001).United States continues to receive large numbers of immigrants both legal and illegal. According to CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012), immigration is projected to reach almost 50% of Americasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ growth from 2005 to 2050. The immigration trend has remained consistent since the country acquired its independence and the presence of the immigrant has been felt everywhere including the streets as people speak in different languages. A strong factor contributing to rampant immigration in America is chain immigration. This refers to a situation where an immigrant in America sponsors several other immigrants who, upon arrival end up sponsoring othersCITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012). Another factor contributing to rampant immigration is the increased number of illegal immigrants. By definition illegal migrants are in the country illegally, the actual number of these is undocumented but about three-quarters of these immigrants children were born in America making them citizensCITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012). Another factor shaping the population in America is that of foreign students who from different parts of the world are in the country legally to receive their doctorates in sciences and engineering. These students fail to return to their mother countries afte r finishing their courses. Therefore it is genuine to conclude that immigration will continue to shape the demographics of United States.Even though we cannot underestimate the benefits associated with diversity in America, it is evident that there is a sizeable section of the population that does not want to integrate with others. As indicated by CITATION Sch07 \l 1033 (Schonfeld, 2007) the dominant group dislike working or be led by someone from a different or inferior race. This has escalated to a point where members of a dominant race discourage their relatives from marrying outside their own group. Prejudice has a long history in the United States and poses one of the challenges United States face due to the diversity of its people. According to CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012) Prejudice entails disliking people because of their racial and ethnic grouping even if one had little or no contact with that group of people. This is influenced mostly by the way one has been br ought up and the teachings done early in life. Another challenge that United States face due to its diversity is discrimination. It entails depriving the inferior people their rights, privileges and opportunities CITATION Sch07 \l 1033 (Schonfeld, 2007) .Unlike prejudice it involves behavior that excludes people leading to unequal treatment by the dominant group. Another challenge that United States face related to its diversity is stereotyping. This entails taking unreliable generalization about members of a particular group. According to CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012), it causes people in America to view Africans as superstitious and whites as uncaring. Although our focus remains in America, these challenges to diversity remain to be a common problem to many nations and pose a great threat to integration.It is important to have a diverse population, not only for reasons of having a realistic setting but also to encourage people to grow beyond their original boundaries. I n the United States, cultural pluralism is one of the benefits associated with a diverse society in that groups in a society have mutual respect for one anotherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s culture CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012). This respect allows minorities to express their own culture without fear of being subjected to prejudice and discrimination. Individuals have increasingly accepted and appreciated biracial and multiracial identity. This is evident by the transformation that group names have undergone in America from the twentieth century. CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012) Alludes that labels that were applied to minority and inferior groups has changed from Negroes to Blacks to African Americans, this is a sign of how dominant groups in America has grown beyond boundaries. This appreciation and acceptance among individuals from different cultures and origin cannot be underestimated as it has positively transformed to academic success and long term attitudes and behavior CITA TION Sch07 \l 1033 (Schonfeld, 2007).Cultural pluralism is a situation whereby the subordinate group within a dominant group maintains their unique cultural identities as long as they are consistent with the laws and values of the dominant society. For this to succeed, it takes the dominant group to accept their fellow inferior group to continue living with their cultural practices without interference. According to a research done by CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012), in the United States, cultural pluralism is more an ideal than a practical reality and the rules has been for the inferior groups to assimilate. This calls for the inferior groups to initiate the following process. First, to have resistance efforts aimed at promoting change that will bring more equality and privileges. CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012) Clearly states that resistance can be seen as efforts by the subordinate groups in maintaining their identity. Second, the subordinate group should lobby t he host government on their own behalf to come up with laws that mandates the dominant group to accommodate the cultures of the inferior. Thirdly, way to foster a climate of acceptance and cultural pluralism is by taking Afrocentric Approach. As CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012) indicates, it is a perspective that puts emphasizes on the customs of African cultures. Afrocentric counters Eurocentric and works towards a pluralist orientation in which the views of both superiors and inferiors in the society are taken into considerationCITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012).Media has perpetuated prejudice and stereotyping amongst people in the society by sharing information that propagates inequality amongst people. Examples include both broadcast and print media. According to a research done by CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012) today, 40 percent of all youths in America are children of color, but few of the faces they see on television donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t reflect their race or cultural heritage. This is contributed by underrepresentation of the minorities in key decision making positions for example directors, producers and casting agents. Mostly television programs that doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t show a balance of ethnic and racial groupings are mostly aired in the evening especially when young people mostly watch television. The implication of this is that young people end up acquiring significant amount of stereotyping and prejudice in their minds. Print journalism is nearly the same as articles make readers develop prejudice and stereotypes. CITATION Sch12 \l 1033 (Schaefer, 2012) Gave an example of newspaper articles describing a string of armed robberies with black or white suspects and the subjects were quicker to shoot the armed suspect if he was black and had no willingness to shoot the armed white criminal. This emphasizes that crime is done mostly by th...

Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Capacity Theory of Comprehension Individual Differences...

Psychological Review 1992, Vol. 99, No. 1,122-149 Copyright 1992 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0033-295X/92/J3.00 A Capacity Theory of Comprehension: Individual Differences in Working Memory Marcel Adam Just and Patricia A. Carpenter Carnegie Mellon University A theory of the way working memory capacity constrains comprehension is proposed. The theory proposes that both processing and storage are mediated by activation and that the total amount of activation available in working memory varies among individuals. Individual differences in working memory capacity for language can account for qualitative and quantitative differences among college-age adults in several aspects of language comprehension. One aspect is†¦show more content†¦A related function attributed to short-term memory is its role as a stepping stone on the path to long-term memory, while information is being memorized through rehearsal or elaboration. Thus, working memory has long been implicated in both short-term and long-term storage. A somewhat more modern view of working memory takes into account not just the storage of items for later retrieval, but also the storage of partial results in complex sequential computations, such as language comprehension. The stor age requirements at the lexical level during comprehension are intuitively obvious. A listener or comprehender must be able to quickly retrieve some representation of earlier words and phrases in a sentence to relate them to later words and phrases. But storage demands also occur at several other levels of processing. The comprehender must also store the theme of the text, the representation of the situation to which it refers, the major propositions from preceding sentences, and a running, multilevel representation of the sentence that is currently being read (Kintsch vanDijk, 1978; vanDijk Kintsch, 1983). Thus, language comprehension is an excellent example of a task that demands extensive storage of partial and final products in the service of complex information processing. Most recent conceptions of working memory extend its function beyond storage to encompass the actual computations 122 CAPACITYShow MoreRelatedThe Topic Of Specific Language Impairment1572 Words   |  7 Pagesdisorder further fuels the controversy and frustration of speech language pathologists around the world. To determine ones opinion regarding SLI’s in individuals, whose primary language is sign language, the basics of this disorder must first be addressed. 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Monday, May 18, 2020

A View on Cross-Cutural Communication Essay - 642 Words

My View on Cross-cultural Communication in Todays World Have you seen the latest Hollywood movie War of the worlds? Have you visited the Disneyland that is newly opened in Hong Kong? As the world has become smaller day-by-day, the cross-cultural communications are taking place more frequently. However, in spite of the amusements, have you ever considered the gains and loses in this communication? So today I am going to talk about pros and cons of cross-cultural communication in todays world, and how to overcome the defects and make progress in it. In my point of view, the cross-cultural communication can be divided into two parts: One plays active role, which I call win-win communication. And the other with the adverse effect,†¦show more content†¦With each group that is uprooted or assimilated, a culture vanishes. Linguists estimate that every two weeks a language dies, taking with it unique ways of thinking, communicating, and living--and generations of irreplaceable knowledge. Thus, how to repel culture invasion without holding back the win-win cross-cultural communication? Firstly, the self-consciousness in native culture is the premise of communication. The features of a nations culture make his passport in global communication. Compare the cross-cultural communication to a fair, where various cultures are traded. Only by the awareness of advantages can we keep our culture distinctive and make up our sell points. Without the solid foundation of native culture, we have nothing to communicate with the foreign culture, which only leads to the wholesale acceptance or worship of everything foreign. On the other hand, as long as we realize the disadvantages of the culture and feel oblige to improve the native culture; the self-consciousness will be the motivation in our communication. Secondly, the platform of equals shall be the foundation of cross-cultural communication. All cultures, despite the power of their nations, should share the same status. If you set yourself on a pedestal, you will not be able to discover the excellence of foreign culture. And that will turn a communication into conservativeShow MoreRelatedIntercultural Abilities Nurses Should Have951 Words   |  4 PagesCultural views of individuals influence their perceptions and decisions of health attitudes and health cares; in order to care for people across different languages and cultures, nurses need to develop cultural sensitivity, awareness, competence, and humility (Creasia Parker, 2007). Among these, cultural competent and humility are the foundation to provide optimal quality care within diverse groups of people. Overview of Cutural Sensitivity, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Competence, and Cutural Humility

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Role of African Elites in Dismantling Decolonization

Colonial literature F-K Omoregie, English Department, University of Botswana Walter Rodney s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Amilcar Cabral s National Liberation and Struggle, and Ngugi Wa Thiong o s Writing Against Neocolonialism reveal the political, economic, and social circumstances that formed the sensibility of most African writers. Thus, they illuminate the various types of mentalities or ideologies that inform African literature. In addition, these works help the reader determine if a novelist s portrayal of African society fully reflects its social relations, political arrangements, and economic factors. These critical writings also help in the debate on the definition of African literature. For they bring out the†¦show more content†¦. . (1980). In Ferdinand Oyono s The Old Man and the Medal, the road, constructed by forced black labor, symbolizes the visible exploitative means linking Africa to Europe. Rodney notes also that the social services in colonial Africa reflected the pattern of domination and exploitation geared toward the wel l-being of the settlers. In Mayombe the narrator says: You earn twenty escudos a day, for chopping down trees with an axe . . . And how much does the boss earn for each tree? A pile. What does the boss do to earn this money? Nothing, nothing . . . So, how can he earn many thousands a day and give you twenty escudos? What right has he? This is colonialist exploitation. [Pepetela: 1983: 19] What the narrator notes above, claims Rodney, is what resulted in the underdevelopment of Africa. Rodney observes that the African dependency upon the European also ultimately produced neocolonial class stratification and Africans who manipulated the colonial economic structures for their own benefit. In Mission to Kala, the colonial authorities nominate the chief of Vimili who goes on to live an opulent life at the expense of the people: The colonial Administration (who had nominated him in the first place) buttered him up. In return, he obeyed their commands like a robot and knew they would not throw him out. In the days of the forced labor gangs he had been feared by everyone because he betrayed fugitives to the authorities and acted as an informer.Show MoreRelated Outside the Teaching Machine by Gayatri Spivak2753 Words   |  11 Pagesâ€Å"Other† as self’s other is going on, perhaps with more subtlety and programmatic finesse. The significant distinction she makes between relative strength of subjectivity is the way how she considers the Western critical discourse as assuming the role of the originator, legitimizer, and of course the guarantor of the discourse about the so-called Third World. The ethical question that arises from Spivak’s discussion leads towards what she terms â€Å"epistemic violence.† For her, the Western subject’sRead MoreCultural Erasure5591 Words   |  23 Pagescity of El Dorado, the fabled Fountain of Youth and the island home of Robinson Crusoe. Enriched by the process of creolization, the cosmopolitanism of the average Caribbean person is also well recognized: ‘No Indian from India, no European, no African can adjust with greater ease and naturalness to new situations’ (Lamming 1960, 34). As a concept or notion ‘the Caribbean’ can also be seen to have a marvellous elasticity that defies the imposition of clear geographic boundaries, has no distinctRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagestwentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century together—one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonization—they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate, very often connect in important ways with these and other major developments. The opening essays of this collection underscore the importance of including

Reaganomics and Its Effect on Minority Groups - 1519 Words

The most noteworthy component of Ronald Reagan’s two terms as leader of the free world are the laws, regulations, and policies passed under his two terms as President of the United States. These regulations soon became known as â€Å"Reaganomics†, a term that is still used today to describe these policies. Hidden underneath the manufactured depiction of Reaganomics policies by mass media lies a controversial observation: these policies may have created a permanent shift in American society which, as a result, disenfranchised minorities since they went into effect over thirty years ago. This particular idea or theory is exceptionally contradictory and has been distorted by not only various media outlets but by subsequent pro-Reaganomics†¦show more content†¦The income received by the top 5% of highest incomes increased by 5%. This also increased the income wage gap between races (primarily white and black) and the wage gap between social classes (middle class a nd wealthy) as the number of Americans below the poverty line increased by more than 2 million. Despite its successes on the American economical structure and more significantly, its benefits for the rich, Reaganomics jeopardized the welfare of Americans of the lower class as Reagan’s administration cut 60% of funding towards social programs that primarily assisted mothers, children, and minorities like Social Security, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and federal education programs. The administration also proved to be detrimental to the citizens in the urban area with budget cuts to federal legal services for the poor as well as decreased funding for public transportation and the eliminated anti-poverty programs such as the Community Development Block program. When Reagan first came into office, city budgets used over 20 percent of federal funding but towards 1988, it decreased to 6 percent. The results of these cuts were so destructive that many inner city schools, public libraries, hospital/clinics, police and fire departments were forced to close down indefinitely. With thirty percent of African Americans below the poverty line, these spending cuts sparked the onset of several implications for African American family life, such as the halving of the housing andShow MoreRelatedThe Changing American Culture Essay1324 Words   |  6 Pagessolution. According to Peter Ferrara in â€Å"Reaganomics vs Obamanomics† Ronald Reagan said in his speech during his first inauguration â€Å" In this present crisis government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem†. This shows that people of his generation tended to be more independent and solve their own problems rather than be dependent and expect the government to do it for them. According to William Niskanen in â€Å"Reaganomics† Ronald Reagan adjusted the tax code soRead MoreThe 80s Of Ronald Reagan1441 Words   |  6 Pagesconservatism that liberals have not succeeded in reversing. Reagan is part of a select group of political leaders, including Thomas Jefferson and W. Wilson, whose names because watchwords for political creeds and stances toward Reagan was indeed the guy for the job as his ideals and promises couldn t been more like what the people wanted. Regan after cleverly dealing with Congress, he obtained legislation known as Reaganomics, based on liberal doctrines of stimulation of economic growth, reduction of inflationRead MoreGender Analysis : The War On Drugs 3624 Words   |  15 PagesReagan administration. The War on Drugs led to lots of arrests because the stereotypical drug user was African Americans. Police also used corrupt practices targeting African Americans. Media defined the typical criminal as an African American male. Minority neighborhoods are a focus of police. Officers are given an unacceptable amount of discretion that creates racism. When these people get issued a sentence that adds more racism. When released from prison, they face an unsupportive uncompassionateRead MoreEssay about The Many Benefits of Affirmative Action2038 Words   |  9 PagesAffirmative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative action has helped the income, promotion and labor force participation rates of both women and minorities. For example, between 1982 and 1995, the percentage of female managers and professionals in the U.S. rose from 40.5 to 48.0 percent; blacks from 5.5 to 7.5 percent, and Hispanics from 5.2 to 7.6 percent. By comparison, these groups form 51.2 percent, 12.6 percent, and 10.2 percent of the population, respectively. Progress has been steady, but still incompleteRead MoreEconomics And Classical Liberal Economics1900 Words   |  8 Pagessystem in most countries around the world. However, this soon changed after the oil crisis in the 1970’s and after government intervention was blamed for stagflation, paving the way for the rise in neoliberal economics dominated by Thatcherism and Reaganomics. The difference between neoliberal economics and classical liberal economics is the rejection of Adam Smith’s theory of the invisible hand of supply and demand and believe it will worsen the economy. However, even though neoliberal economics thrivedRead MoreUs History Reagan, H.W Bush, Clinton, Reaganomics3670 Words   |  15 PagesJohnson had brought into action a policy that ensured underprivileged minorities and women access to education, jobs, and promotion. However, in 1978 during the landmark Supreme Court case of Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, a white man, Bakke, applied twice to a California medical school but was rejected both times on the grounds of his age and also because the medical school had sixteen reserved seats for minority applicants. 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Possibly it was the best time cause, Blacks had served in World War II, exposing some White Americans to race issues for the first time; the country was centered on anti-communismRead MoreLeadership Style of Sir Richard Branson2305 Words   |  10 Pagesangry with me that he urged my impeachment. I was very relaxed. The odds were that, if the issue ever did reach the president, he would just have a good laugh. Of course, the threat of my impeachment quickly evaporated. Lesson 5: Use Humor to Good Effect. Yes, Ronald Reagan loved to tell funny stories. One of his favorite ones concerned the boy who was digging through a manure pile. His explanation for that strange action was that there had to be a pony in it somewhere. But usually the presidentRead MorePre-Columbian Period9302 Words   |  38 Pagesago.[10] Some of these groups migrated south and east, and over time spread throughout the Americas. These were the ancestors to modern Native Americans in the United States and Alaskan Native peoples, as well as all indigenous peoples of the Americas. Many indigenous peoples were semi-nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers; others were sedentary and agricultural civilizations. Many formed new tribes or confederations in response to European colonization. Well-known groups included the Huron, Apache

5 Stategies to Involve Parents Free Essays

A suggestion box is an ideal tool for parents on the go. This gives parents the opportunity to be involved without cutting into their busy schedules. Also this benefits those parents whom like to anonymously suggest ideas about the service or certain activities. We will write a custom essay sample on 5 Stategies to Involve Parents or any similar topic only for you Order Now Having the box in an accessible place is important in order for every parent to know where it is and have immediate access. Putting in place some parent suggested ideas will continue to encourage parent involvement. Parent Read Along: A parent read along is a good way to include parents in an activity with the kids at the center while increasing child development. This is an activity that could take place once a month that encourages parents read a story to their child’s classroom. Having parents come read to children at story time will be a quick and efficient way to involve parents; preferably the story session day and time should meet the need of the parent. This in return lets the parents know that the center is dedicated to putting the child and family first. I believe this strategy would benefit the development of children because it encourages and promotes learning while reading in addition to parent involvement. Keep Parents Updated: Keeping parents informed of what takes place on a daily basis, upcoming events and how they can get involved is an open invitation. Finding additional creative ways of spreading the news rather than by word of mouth may be a little catchier. Having flyers, newsletters, or possibly sending emails may grasp the attention of the parent; being that technology is so dominate and people communicate via e-mail frequently. Going the extra mile shows that your daycare center encourages parental involvement. Bring Your Parent To Center Day: Having events that are centered on parental participation is another way to get parents involved. An event like bring your parent to Center day puts parents in the spotlight. The Parents Day event resembles that of show and tell. Parents can show off their skills while interacting with their child (ren) at the center. It would be good to have this type of event maybe once a month in order to give each child’s parent(s) an opportunity while providing varying days and times. Progress Meetings: Every parent should take interest in their child’s progress and achievements. A progress meeting encourages parental involvement. Progress meetings can be scheduled accordingly or spur of the moment. Scheduling meetings to best fit the need of the parent shows concern in the matter. Updating a parent of their child’s progress while they are signing them out counts as well. Making parents aware that their involvement with their child will likely have benefits for their child’s development also may produce more participation at the center. When other parents see parents getting involved they usually will too. This strategy as well contributes to the development of children because for one the parent is involved. Having parent involvement encourages children to push on and do well. Progress meetings helps acknowledge problem areas if any so that, if additional help is needed the parent is aware and will do as such. How to cite 5 Stategies to Involve Parents, Papers

Frank Kafkas novel Essay Example For Students

Frank Kafkas novel Essay Frank Kafkas novel The Metamorphosis and Henrik Ibsens play A Dolls House both explore the theme of womens independence, which is highlighted through the contrast of female and male power. Grete, the sister of Gregor, who turns into an insect, and Nora, spouse of the machista Torvald Helmer, are primarily dependent on their male providers for the family. From initial weakness to facing challenges to experiencing a breakthrough of independence, Grete and Nora embody female growth. In the beginning of both works, the two women are fully dependent on the financial supporter of the household, given that neither has jobs. Nor Grete nor Nora contributes to the financial status of their abodes. The day that Gregors ability to work is impeded by his metamorphosis, Grete stays in her room crying, because he was in danger of losing his job (Kafka 76). The narrators simple suggestion shows that Gretes interest in Gregor is financial, now that he might not be able to support the family. Her dependence is unveiled in her unconscious thought of losing her older brother, the leader of the house, and the possibility of taking that role. Her cry is a combination of frustration and confusion. In a similar manner, Nora is very dependent on her husband, Torvald. You might five me money, Torvald. Only just as much as you can afford (Ibsen 14). Nora, on the other hand, is different from Grete because she is a grown woman, and could plausibly have a job, yet she takes advantage of her femininity to manipulate Torvald. She is conscious of her beauty and the fact that Torvald will do anything for his little squirrel, she talks sweetly to him to convince him. Nora is purely dependent at this point, and takes advantage of her situation to receive even more from Torvald. Grete and Nora have not developed into independent women in any way at this point in the works, though both women are at different stages of consciousness with regard to their dependency on the man of the house, as Gretes dependency is innocent, while Noras is manipulative. Either way, they both are fully supported by Gregor and Torvald. As the two works progress, Grete and Noras personalities start developing and show rays of growth, as they are faced with new challenges. Through simple dialogue and the actions of the two women, their psychological traits are revealed little by little and independence becomes a clear goal for both. Grete, not still the young sibling that relied on her older brother anymore, tak3es charge and care of her surrounding, as the narrator describes, Gregors sister, of course, went in first to see that everything was in order (Kafka 101). The matter of fact tone of the words of course, reveal Gretes journey to independence. With this declaration, the author is creating a new situation, which is where Grete has taken over Gregors job in the house. In A Dolls House, Nora has started to show signs of independence through her manipulation of Torvald. You must let Hrogstad keep his post in the Bank (Ibsen 40). On the surface, Noras request seems simple and bland, yet her manipulation lies in her urge to keep her forgery of her fathers signature a secret, which would not be possible had Krogstad left the Bank. Noras rays of independence are visible through the manipulation of her husband for her own personal reasons. On a superficial level, the women in both works seem just as dependent as before, yet their actions and thoughts insinuate a still-invisible independent future. By the end of both works, a breakthrough as independent women has become recognizable in Grete and Nora. At this point, there are more than just rays of growth and hints f independence; Grete and Nora break their barriers of repression and set themselves free. Grete is able to use her talent as a violin player to portray her absolute independence. Gregors sister began to play; the father and mother, from either side, intently watched the movements of her hands (Kafka 120). Grete, at this point, has managed to attract her parents and the three men living in the house. As she plays her music, she maintains an audience that watches intently, as the author describes it. For the first now, Grete is the center of the household, with all eyes focused on her. This occurrence marks Gretes metamorphosis, as she evolves into the family leader. .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 , .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .postImageUrl , .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 , .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15:hover , .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15:visited , .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15:active { border:0!important; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15:active , .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15 .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u40786d2a8a36fdee8f3312abf52b4f15:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Is Frankensteins creation is a creature or a monster? EssayNoras independence, unlike Gretes, is presented in a negative context, which is through her selfish personality. Her selfishness is present while she manipulates Torvald again and again. Torvald, you will repent not having let me stay, (Ibsen 58). Since the reader knows that Nora is only interested in saving herself from Torvald finding the forged letter, the author has made the lector aware of Noras independent thinking. Nora has also reduced her level of interest to just herself, as she states that she is Never to see him again. Never! Never! Never to see my children again either- (Ibsen 63). The repetition of ne ver emphasizes desire to be absent, and distances Nora from her previous life. Nora wants to escape her plastic bubble; she wants to be more than just a trophy. Although both women are not physically distanced from their respective families, both have set their independent grounds, and have been recognized publicly. After both women have established their mental independence, they are situated to be alone, which consequently occurs. At the end of the novel, after Grete is already conscious of her state of independence, Kafka ensures her parents awareness, as They became aware of their daughters increasing vivacity (Kafka 132). While this directly recognizes Gretes independence, the use of increasing vivacity suggests future growth. Although Nora is older than Grete, she is in the same initial state, as she is also new to independence. Nora decides to leave her husband, Torvald, as well as her children. Noras concentration at this point is on her independence, as she has planned nothing. When asked about the future, she responds, How can I tell? I have no idea what is going to become of me (Ibsen 71). This sarcastic rebuttal only emphasizes her desire to be an individual. The use of the exclamation mark leaves all issues in the open, as she will live day by day. When issues are publicly recognized, they become official, which is the case for Grete and Noras independence.  In Metamorphosis and A Dolls House, two women experience social breakthroughs and succeed in becoming independent in societies with many impeding obstacles. Grete and Nora could be thought of as emerging butterflies that were still in their cocoons. At the end of both works, evolution has reached a point where both women flourished, and became individuals.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Miss America- Heather Whitestone Essay Example

Miss America- Heather Whitestone Paper When she was 5 years old, she began to do ballet lessons. Her mother wanted her to understand that theres natural rhythm in the voice. The fluctuations of ballet music and movement helped her grasp that. With her talent and extensive training, Heather was good enough to become a professional dancer. But the professional dancer gets meager paychecks and would have to live with her mother. She wanted to be Independent. At the next pageant, Miss Jacksonville State University, she was upfront about being deaf. She asked the Judges to speak slowly and they accommodated her. She won the 1 992 Miss Jacksonville State University title and went on to be 1st runner up to Miss Alabama 1 992, Kim Wimpier. The following year she won the MISS Point Mallard competition and once again, placed 1st runner up to Miss Alabama, Sally Chapman. After she became Miss America, she showed much dedication to the Deaf Community by serving on the executive board for the Presidents Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. She helped establish a multimedia public service campaign to help identify early hearing loss. She was also a spokesperson for the Helen Keller Eye Research Foundation and the Starkey Hearing Aid Foundation. Now, she is married to a guy named John McCollum. We will write a custom essay sample on Miss America- Heather Whitestone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Miss America- Heather Whitestone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Miss America- Heather Whitestone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She met him while he was working for the Speaker of the House, Newt Ignoring in Washington DC and they dint start dating seriously until a month after she gave up her title, and then soon after that they got engaged. They got married on June, 8th, 1996. They have now had two boys and are living in Georgia. I think Heather Whetstone is a great inspiration to the world because she definitely showed everyone that a deaf person can talk, can achieve and is able to do anything. Thats why I admired her so much, because it shows me that any deaf person including me can accomplish anything.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sample Art History Essay

Sample Art History EssayIf you are a graduate student, and you are looking for an interesting, challenging, and inexpensive way to make your mark on the graduate level, then you should consider taking up a sample art history essay. This is one of the most popular writing assignments that a graduate student will ever have to take, because a good written thesis statement allows them to not only impress their advisers, but also to get their own stamp of approval as a potential future scholar.The first thing that you need to do when preparing a sample art history essay is to find a specific topic that you feel strongly about. For instance, if you are working on a concentration in early modern art, you might choose the topic 'Early Modernist Art'. This is because it is very popular to write a thesis about the history of art, which generally involves tracing the development of art styles through the history of Europe.For this type of subject, the very first thing that you need to do is to write an essay that is as close to perfect as possible. When looking at different examples of samples, remember that most of them start off with a research project, wherein they look through some rare books or go to some museums. By writing the project over again, you are giving yourself a lot of freedom, as well as a lot of options.The second thing that you need to do before you begin writing an art history essay is to decide how much time you are going to spend on each aspect of the project. It is advisable that you devote a specific time frame for each topic; for instance, if you want to find out the first paintings by Picasso, you should have a specific timeframe within which you must focus your attention.Once you have decided on a specific topic, the next thing that you need to do is to collect all of the materials that you will need to write. For example, there are several different kinds of art history essays, such as introduction essays, interpretation essays, research essay s, and many more. With this in mind, it is important that you know how to pick out the proper essay format for your specific project.The essay that you should choose must not just be based on what you hope to learn, but also on how well you can portray the work of an artist in a simple and easily understandable manner. You will find that the first draft of the essay can be quite lengthy, so when you finally are finished, you will want to have an idea of how much space you need to fill in order to make your essay readable.Once you have finished writing your sample art history essay, the rest of the task becomes finding a publisher for your project. Fortunately, there are many different resources for you to find publishers and for you to find out which ones are the best for your particular situation.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

creation andverses evolution essays

creation andverses evolution essays Ever since the publication of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species was published, there has been an ongoing debate between science and religion. Scientists have formulated many theories as to the origins of man and to the creation of the earth, whereas religious groups have one main creation theory, based on the "Genesis" story of The Bible. These theories, however, are not the cause of the debate because the different theories are simply myths meant to explain the unknown. The debate is caused by different belief systems. The main difference between creationists and scientists is the way they fight this debate. Creationists have developed their own science: Creation Science. Creation scientists look to prove that creation is right and science is wrong, providing selective interpretations of the fossil record. But their interpretations are exaggerated and foolish. Creationists will pick one scientific theory and do everything they can to point out it's flaws, disregarding what they can't prove wrong. They will often use emotions to control the public to their side. They spend their time trying to discover false evolution rather than teaching their beliefs to the general public. The theory of evolution removes humans from the center of the universe, and religious followers can't believe that their God, who created us in his image (Bible, 2), would allow that. The creationist arguments can be summed up in one example from the Morris -Parker book. They state "Evolution is claimed to be 'scientific,' and still going on, so it seems like it should be observable and measurable. Yet after 150 years of intense study of biological variations, evolutionists are still completely in the dark about the supposed mechanism of evolution. This fact surely is cause for beginning to doubt the validity of the very concept of evolution (303)." The use of words such as 'claimed', 'should be', and 'supposed' all are very powerful words, but they do...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Do you give yourself a break

Do you give yourself a break Pressure! When you are job seeking, or running a business, or possibly both, you might put a lot of pressure on yourself to keep working; take the next action step; schedule your life better; stop procrastinating; or some combination of all these things. Achieving results does require action, and there are 24 hours in a day last I checked, so it is valuable to get things done reliably and frequently. But continuously? No matter how much we might like to think we can keep going and keep doing, sometimes we just need a break. The Release Valve Where I often go for down time is Viroqua, Wisconsin, a town in the country about 100 miles from my home in the city of Madison. A little artistic oasis surrounded by farm country, Viroqua boasts a food coop and holistic healing center. I go there because, for just a couple of days, I achieve a sense of timelessness. One activity guaranteed to produce that timeless space is picking berries. I get up early and walk to the raspberry patch and there is nothing but me and the colors of ripe and ripening fruit. One berry at a time, one prickle at a time, I zone out until my collection container is full. While picking, I don’t know whether minutes or hours go by. I am present. I am happy. Achieving Timelessness It’s not always berries that get me to that state. This trip I reached a similar state by spending time with a three-year-old. But picking fruits and veggies reliably transports me into timelessness. Sometimes I engage with the aliveness of apples, snap peas, or clover flowers. I am fortunate to know several families in the area, all of whom grow edibles and have wild berries on their land. I also have a small garden myself, complete with one lone blueberry bush, several fully grown broccoli heads and a burgeoning zucchini plant- but it’s not quite the same as a garden in the country. This latest trip to Viroqua was the start of my â€Å"birthday week† and it was as perfect as it gets. Topping it off, as mentioned above, was the opportunity to read stories to my friends’ 3-year-old girl (she will be reading to me pretty soon!). I also relaxed and unwound with a few sessions of bodywork from some amazing healers, David and Susan Breitbach (see to learn more). And the work gets done The miraculous thing about these trips is that although I spend what seems like hours picking berries and snap peas, and hours driving, and more hours with body workers David and Susan, I always get my work done. It just doesn’t feel stressful to do it. Then I return home, fortified to take more action steps and get results that bring in more monetary income than a bowl full of berries. Do you take care of yourself? Do you give yourself a break (at least once/year on your birthday)? What gives you that prized sense of timelessness that fuels you for your action items to come? And if you don’t give yourself this gift, what are you waiting for?

Saturday, February 15, 2020

OPERATIONS STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

OPERATIONS STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT - Essay Example McDonalds has a huge supply chain network spread globally and the company puts lots of concentration over its supply chain as it is in the food division so maintenance of the quality of the food items and protecting them from getting damaged. The diagram showing the complete supply chain network of the company is been given below (Bass, 2010, pp. 89-96). The flow of information and also the flow of the materials give a clear indication in as to how important the supply chain is for the company. The company uses various transport medium like for transporting the materials which are perishable are been transported using cold vans which has freezer facilities which helps the company to maintain the quality of the item (Manos and Vincent, 2012, pp. 65-68). Company has looked to get local suppliers for supply of vegetables which can be availed in the fresh way. It has distributors in the supply chain in every city where all the raw materials come from the various suppliers of vegetables, breads, meats, milk items etc. From these distributors the materials are been supplied to the various outlets and restaurants using cold vans and trucks. The time limit for every supply of raw materials is 3 days, that is after every 3 days new stock of raw materials are been supplied to the stores and the maximum stock been maintained in the stores are only for 3 days which helps the company to keep the freshness of the product as a result of which the quality of the food item is been maintained in a good way (Wireman, 2004, pp. 113-115). McDonalds looks to maintain a good relation with the suppliers by providing them good facilities and good knowledge regarding good maintenance of the animals and also gives information to the vegetable suppliers regarding the various methods used for maintaining the quality and freshness of the vegetables. The company ma intains a simple policy of one material-one supplier to give the suppliers under control and

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Potential essay question Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Potential question - Essay Example Franklin Mall conducted a study which showed that race is a creation of the human psyche; it is not inherent in us. Stephen Gould stated that we should view race as just part of our outward appearance because it defines very little aspects of our lives (Jurmain and Kilgore 23). The relationship between anthropology and colonialism is uneasy because anthropology disagrees with the colonialist perspective that some races are inferior to others (Jurmain and Kilgore 24). In British and French colonies, anthropologists were used to spread the message that the colonialists were superior to the â€Å"natives.† Evans-Pritchard felt that anthropologists should be actively involved in policymaking, but Malinowski was of the opinion that involvement in policymaking dilutes the impacts of anthropology (Jurmain and Kilgore 26). Development is anthropology’s evil twin because it uses fallacious claims to advance the interests and influence of some races over others. Development is a mirage created by racial supremacists. Applied anthropology is incredibly wide and therefore requires intensive research in order to understand its application. In addition, applied anthropology requires a lot of time to master because it comprises several sub-disciplines that can create confusion (Jurmain and Kilgore 13). Finally, most people have a problem differentiating applied and theoretical anthropology because they overlap in so many ways (Jurmain and Kilgore 13). The debate about anthropology and the four-fields of anthropology centers on the application of anthropological principles in an ethical and holistic manner. Anthropology has worked in medicine, genetics, engineering and philosophy. New areas include biological and quantitative research. The spring lancet is an example of a product created by anthropologists. It was designed in the 18th and 19th centuries to help in the drawing of blood and fluid samples for analysis (Jurmain and

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Mosaic Dietary Laws Essay -- Moses Old Testament Christianity Essays

Mosaic Dietary Laws Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Mosaic dietary laws, the laws imposed by the directives of Moses on the Israelites, extended from earlier restrictions that had been placed on the eating habits of the human race. The Old Testament is full of directives regarding food consumption and God’s law, and even Genesis addresses limitations imposed on certain types of food consumption.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Primarily, the restrictions placed on the consumption of certain types of meat, a limitation that continues in rules for maintaining a Jewish kosher home, relates directly to what is viewed as the rules for the holy people of God. The people of God, then, are expected to recognize that â€Å"God is to be obeyed, concluding that circumcision and the prescriptions of Mosaic law are still obligatory† (1). In understanding the Mosaic dietary laws maintained in the books of the Old Testament, it is necessary to consider the early restrictions placed on certain types of food consumption, the restrictions outlined by Moses for the people of God, and the implications of these eating restrictions both then and in the modern era. What must be recognized is that â€Å"To this day, these rules—with variations, but always guided by Mosaic laws—are followed by many orthodox Jews† (2). Jewish religious practices, then, are based not only in their ancestral ordinances, but in the specificity of Mosaic law in terms of dietary limitations and circumcision (3). Relating the significance, then, of early restrictions and their application to Mosaic law, as well as an understanding of the role of Moses, are elements important in understanding Mosaic dietary laws. Early Restrictions   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Early restrictions prior to the initiation of Mosaic dietary laws related directly to the belief that the human race originally consumed just vegetable products, and that it was not until the Flood and the prescriptions relative to Noah’s animal ownership that individuals were pushed to consume animal flesh (Genesis 9:3-4). Initially, it was recognized that animal slaughter was an unclean process, and further, from a historical perspective, it can be argued that the consumption of some animals was just unsafe. The lack of refrigeration and the prevalence of bacterial infection in the flesh of animals determined a lack of safety and the people of this region often saw illness related to meat consumption as ... .... Paperback, New York. Green, J. (1999). Jesus and Moses: The Parallel Sayings. New York. Green, Peter. (1996). Hellenistic History and Culture. Paperback: New York. Grimm, V. (1996). From Feasting to Fasting, the Evolution of a Sin: Attributes to Food in Late Antinquity. New York. Kretzmann, N. et al (1989). The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy : From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100-1600. Paperback: New York. Leviton, Richard et al (2000). Outposts of the Spirit. Paperback: New York. Lobban, Richard, Jr. (1994, February). Pigs and Their Prohibition. International Journal of Middle East Studies 25(1), 57. Martin, R. (1996). Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 40, 2 Corinthians. New York. McAuliffe, J. et al (2003). With Reverence for the Word: Medieval Scriptural Exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. New York. Metzger, B. (1997). The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance. New York. Reilly, Kevin. (1999). Worlds of History: A Comparative Reader: To 1550. Paperback: New York. Wittmayer, Salo (2000). Social and religious history of the Jews. Volume 5. New York.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Ikea Selling Strategy

1. Executive Summary: 2. 1. IKEA Objectives: * IKEA produces cheap and affordable products for the customers. * The company wants better life for those who cannot afford expensive products. * IKEA always helps to produce right product for the right consumer. * IKEA always tries to sell their products at low prices. * The company’s global developments and its continual commitment is to have a positive impact on people and the environment. 2. 2. IKEA Vision: The Vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.They make this possible by offering a wide range of well-designed home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. 2. 3. IKEA Mission: The mission is to offer a wide range of home furnishing items of good design and function, excellent quality and durability, at prices so low that the majority of people can afford to buy them (IKEA 1994). The company targets the customer who is looking for value and is wil ling to do a little bit of work serving them-selves, transporting the items home and assembling the furniture for a better price.The typical Ikea customer is young low to middle income family. 2. Company Summary: 3. 4. Company Background: IKEA is a privately-held, international home products retailer that sells flat pack furniture, accessories, and bathroom and kitchen items in their retail stores around the world. The company, which pioneered flat-pack design furniture at affordable prices, is now the world's largest furniture retailer. IKEA was founded in 1943 by 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden and it is owned by a Dutch registered foundation controlled by the Kamprad family.The company which was originated in Smaland, Sweden, distributes its products through its retail outlets. As of August 2009, the chain has 301 stores in 37 countries, most of them in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad was born and grew up on the farm Elmtaryd, parish of Agunnaryd in Smaland, in the south of Sweden. As a young boy Ingvar Kamprad knew that he wanted to develop a business. Various events during his upbringing gave him a strong drive to create his own resources and to be independent. In 1943 The Ikea was born, initially a mail-order business selling pencils, postcards, and other merchandise.The name derives from the initial letters of Ingvar Kamprad and of Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd. More over in 1948 Furniture manufacturing was an additional business for many farmers in Smaland. So Ingvar Kamprad also introduced Furniture in the IKEA business as a complement to the general merchandise. This was a success and Ingvar Kamprad starts exploring innovative solutions such as furniture design, self-assembly and advertising and by 1951 The first annual IKEA furniture catalogue was published in Sweden. Ikea grew and two years later by 1953 they opened a showroom in Almhult.Here the customers could see and experience the quality of the products bef ore ordering them and Ingvar could meet customers in person and learn from them. 3. 5. Company Location and Facilities: The company IKEA has a several store over many places in the world as the following a. Europe: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Greece, France. Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Russia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, Turkey, and United Kingdom b. North America: Canada and United States. c.Middle East: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. d. Asia Pacific: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand. The facilities that could be found in most of IKEA stores is the same, however they are mentioned in the IKEA Ireland as the following: a. Showroom: IKEA stores are huge home exhibitions. Stretch out on a bed, see how many people you can fit on a sofa, or let your children choose furniture for their rooms. Our room settings are built entirely from IKEA products, and will give you inspirational ideas for furnishing, lighting and decorating your home. . Market hall: The market hall is just what it sounds like: many different specialist shops gathered together. You’ll find everything from rugs to pots to picture frames and clocks. You’ll also see all kinds of home lighting, everything you need for your kitchen, and countless unique gifts you can give to others – or spoil yourself with. c. IKEA Restaurant: At the IKEA restaurant you can take a break from the hard work of shopping. You can even start your day at the IKEA restaurant with breakfast before the store opens. Or why not have coffee and cake in the afternoon!In the restaurant you’ll find healthy Swedish and local dishes daily made using high quality fresh produce. You can use our highchairs and baby changing facilities for the little ones. And while the grownups rest a few minutes after lunch, the kids can have fun in the c hildren's play area. d. IKEA for kids: IKEA supervised play area and ballroom, and shop in peace. This way, everyone's happy. Or if you want them to help make furnishing decisions, strollers are available at the entrance. e. Care and feeding of kids: IKEA provides clean feeding and changing facilities for small children.And our restaurant has a special menu just for the kids. f. Trolleys for everyone: There are plenty of carts available to help you take your purchases to your car. Or you can bring your car to your purchases by pulling up to our customer loading bay. g. The barter system: Almost any way you want to pay is fine with us. You can always pay with cash or a major of credit card, but other payment methods are usually also available. They vary from store to store, so please check with your local IKEA store to find out more. 3. Product and Services of IKEA: 4. 6. Products Description: IKEA products are identified by single word names.Most of the names are Scandinavian in ori gin. Although there are some notable exceptions, most product names are based on a special naming system developed by * Upholstered furniture, coffee tables, rattan furniture, bookshelves, media storage, doorknobs: Swedish place names (for example: Klippan) * Beds, wardrobes, hall furniture: Norwegian place names * Dining tables and chairs: Finnish place names * Bookcase ranges: Occupations * Bathroom articles: Scandinavian lakes, rivers and bays * Kitchens: grammatical terms, sometimes also other names * Chairs, desks: men's names Fabrics, curtains: women's names * Garden furniture: Swedish islands * Carpets: Danish place names * Lighting: terms from music, chemistry, meteorology, measures, weights, seasons, months, days, boats, nautical terms * Bed linen, bed covers, pillows/cushions: flowers, plants, precious stones * Children's items: mammals, birds, adjectives * Curtain accessories: mathematical and geometrical terms * Kitchen utensils: foreign words, spices, herbs, fish, mushr ooms, fruits or berries, functional descriptions * Boxes, wall decoration, pictures and frames, clocks: colloquial expressions, 4. . Competitive Comparison: Retailers have generally been slow to develop multilingual Web sites simply because they’ve been slow to expand outside of their domestic markets. According to a Deloitte study of the world's top 250 retailers, 104 retailers have no international operations at all, but IKEA had a leg-up on its competitors because it built its business not only through store expansion but through a hugely popular mail-order catalog. 4. 8. Supply and Demand Details: We will talk about the market forces for the global market instead of talking about Malaysian market only.Supply planner – demand ; need Global supply chain management of Children's lighting products from IKEA suppliers to IKEA stores world-wide, managing sales forecast, capacity planning, replenishment and information flow. Responsible for the global supply to 350 IKEA s tores worldwide within a business area of Children's IKEA. The Increased availability at the store from 85% to 99% within a year. Reduced the stock weeks from 7 weeks to 3 weeks within a half year. Shared knowledge of supply chain management with co-workers in China and Lithuania. 2005 Logistics ; Operations, IKEA Trading Southeast Asia Thailand Managed a variety of competence development programs in areas of logistics and operations for purchaser, technician, supply planner, material manager and business development managers. In addition to be responsible for the company's Centre of Competence in supply chain management, executed a research program about competence management in a cross-cultural organization that covers Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. 150 IKEA Trading Southeast Asia co-workers have attended supply chain management program.Licentiate thesis has been written and it raised the attention to the importance of total optimization within IKEA pipelines both in g oods and information flows. 4. 9. Technology Needs: After surfing the market for information we figured-out that the tools in the industry are similar for all the brands. Tools are the heart of the carpentry profession. The best place to start is with basic hand tools. A measuring tape, combination ruler and level, pencils, hammer; saws, a carpentry square and hand drill are all inexpensive parts of a carpentry set.Chisels, planes and sanding blocks are also important because furniture needs a fine, smooth finish, free of splinters and sharp corners. A kit of brushes, cloths and sponges are required for the stain and lacquering steps. In order to add padding or upholstery to the furniture, the carpenter will need a set of clamps in varied sizes and a staple gun. Time the first few projects completed in the shop step by step to determine which steps will benefit most from investing a time-saving power tool.Power saws are the most universal time-saver, and drill presses and power sand ers also offer time savings. But Ikea does not have its own manufacturing facilities. Instead, it is using subcontracted manufacturers all over the world for supplies. All research and development activities are however, centralized in Sweden. In order to maintain low cost, 4. Market Analysis 5. 10. Target Market in this study I will not separate each market but instead of that I will focus on the global integrated market. 4. 1. 1 Target Market Segment Strategy: IKEA is large enough to enjoy economies of scale.This lowers average costs in the long run through, for example, better use of technology or employing specialized managers. Economies of scale also give a business a competitive edge if cost savings are then passed on to customers in the form of lower prices. This puts up high barriers to entry for smaller companies entering the market. The target customer of IKEA is everybody. So the market segment is a very important part of IKEA strategy. After visited the IKEA store, I thi nk the market segment of IKEA is the different part of house, like the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom.Actually, the market segment is according to the â€Å"life situation†. The life situation creates the need of the home furniture. IKEA do not select the customer, IKEA just select the offer from the life situation. For example, I am a student. I need the bookshelf, desk and I do not need the kitchen because I do not live in my own place now. But after 10 years, the need of life situation will change. I will need other things. The most important point is that I am always the target customer even in different ages. And IKEA always provide customers the things they need.I think that is a good method that IKEA used to service the customers and win the hearts of the customers. 4. 1. 2 Market Needs: 4. 1. 3 Market Trends 4. 1. 4 Market Growth: 5. 11. Industry Analysis 4. 2. 1 Industry Participants/Key Players To analyze the Industry I will use Porter five forces analysis: Acco rding to Pearce, J. A. and Robinson R. B. (2011) Strategic Management . 12th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill â€Å"Harvard professor Michael E. Porter propelled the concept of industry environment into the foreground of strategic thought and business planning†.The five forces were as following: 1- Competitive rivalry. 2- Threat of substitute products. 3- Threat of new entrants. 4- Bargaining Power of suppliers. 5- Bargaining Power of customers. * INTERNAL RIVALRY/COMPETITORS: the industry is highly competitive and characterized by other low priced furniture producers such as Galiform of England and retailers such as Wal-Mart of the United States. Internally, the organization saw differences of opinion regarding product offerings and positioning.Due to the intense competition worldwide, IKEA has wisely attempted to compete by entering the markets which typically pose the largest competition, such as China and Japan. * SUPPLIER POWER: because Ikea had heard from its customers th at many of its furniture offerings were too complicated to be assembled by the customer; showing the power of the supplier to make a difference, IKEA has gotten cooperation from some suppliers to provide materials that are easier for the customer to assemble, thereby (using its' value chain system) by adding value to the supplier relationship. BUYER POWER: everyone can recognize that Buyers have a great deal of influence over IKEA's product line and direction; for example, in the 1960s, IKEA developed the ability to package its unassembled furniture in flat cartons, making it easier for the buyer to handle the cartons. This considered as a response to direct feedback from the buyer. Additionally, due to buyer demand, IKEA will continue on its current growth strategy. * POTENTIAL ENTRANTS: Domestically, IKEA faces the threat of potential entrants; as the dominant firm, because the nature of the business allows new ventures to enter the market, IKEA worst scenario is the copy-cats.The organization always feel threaten by any potential new entrant to use do it yourself approach which gives IKEA many of its' competitive advantages. * THREAT OF SUBSTITUTED PRODUCT AND SERVICE: is low as there are no too many products and services available that can substitute the demand for furniture, home appliances and a range of other products offered by IKEA. So Substitution is not a reason to make them worry, because they have their own market -segments. 4. 2. 2 Main Competitors/Competitive Analysis: If the 5. 0 Strategy and Implementation Summary 5. Marketing Strategy: People like to buy IKEA’s products because of their low prices and medium-quality. People have great awareness of the brand. Moreover, we can see people like to go IKEA store because of good facilities. The products that will be in direct competition with IKEA’S sales are split into distinct different groups by home depot they are: Bedroom, dining room, furniture parts, home office, kid’s r oom, and living room and kitchen supplies. The different products that are supplied are provided to Home Depot by a variety of different brand names. . 2 Pricing Strategy: IKEA positions itself with low prices. They are extremely price/cost conscious. 5. 3 Promotion Strategy: Promotion: IKEA has its own website where they now have their catalogues virtually. In the last year 198 million copies of the catalogue were printed in 56 editions and 27 languages. Moreover, IKEA uses newspaper ads and television commercials. The company uses billboards ads and bus stop ads. IKEA also faced controversy in their â€Å"Tidy up† advertisement campaign. IKEA does not spend largely on promotions.IKEA believes on their online catalogues and print publications of the catalogs. The catalogue is the main tool for selling. IKEA try to cut the cost with lease advertisement. But it is very important part. 5. 4 Distribution Patterns: IKEA has 28 large distribution centers and 11 customer distributi on centers in 16 countries. IKEA has 1400 suppliers for distribution. 5. 5 Marketing Programs People like to buy IKEA’s products because of their low prices and medium-quality. People have great awareness of the brand.Moreover, we can see people like to go IKEA store because of good facilities. The products that will be in direct competition with IKEA’S sales are split into distinct different groups by home depot they are: Bedroom, dining room, furniture parts, home office, kid’s room, and living room and kitchen supplies. The different products that are supplied are provided to Home Depot by a variety of different brand names. 5. 6 Sales Strategy: 5. 7 Sales Forecast: 5. 8 Sales Programs: 6. 0 Web Plan Summary 6. 1 Website Marketing Strategy 6. 2 Development Requirements

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Is Censorship By Government Justified - 1497 Words

Moin Gohil Dr. Rosalyn Jacobs ENGL 1104 28 April 2015 Is censorship by government justified? Censorship has been broadly connected with the media from last couple of decades. These subject is all that much dubious and present in every single key zone of public expression, which commonly go under the civil argument from every community throughout the world. There are numerous articles composed on the subject of censorship and we will talk about the contentions in distinctive articles and its dependability. Censorship, the concealment of words, pictures, or thoughts that are hostile, happens at whatever point, when people succeed in forcing their own political or good values on others. Censorship can be done by the legislature and private group of people. Censorship by the government is unlawful. There are numerous strict rules and laws regarding censorship in the American constitution. For instance, the government can take a stand on anyone who is opposing on federal funding or anything related to federal office. In addition to these, the government can take serious steps with respect to censorship is concerned, the most noticeable for them is entertainment and web, in which the government decides the age limit for the contents accessible on the web. West s Encyclopedia of American Law). From the above comprehension, we will discuss negative and positive parts of censorship and answer the question, is government restriction advocated?. The definition and all the data inShow MoreRelat edCensorship Is Justified631 Words   |  3 PagesCensorship is sometimes justified Whether censorship is justified is always a controversial issue that attracts great public attention, and views of different people might vary greatly. As far as I am concerned, I tend to think that the censorship in China is somehow justified otherwise how can China developed so rapidly for the recent years. I know there are many voices against the censorship of our country, but let’s think from another way, how can we build our welfare and prosperity cultureRead MoreArguments For and Against Censorship Essay1044 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Censorship is defined by Caso as the suppression of speech or any other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive politically incorrect as determined by the government or any other control body (3). Censorship may be justified from the conservative view whereby the free speech can be maltreated where it undermines the customary principles and communal solidity as withheld by a particular community. Arguments for censorship One of the argumentsRead MoreCensorship Of Public s Privacy1321 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"First Amendment freedoms are most in danger when the government seeks to control thought or to justify its laws for that impermissible end. The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.†( Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Ashcroft V. Free Speech Coalition (00-795) 198 F.3d 1083, affirmed,2002) In the 21st century, technology has advanced significantly, making invasion of privacy much easier andRead MoreCensorship Is Bad For The Modern World876 Words   |  4 Pages WHY CENSORSHIP IS BAD Censorship refers to the regulation of freedom of expression or any other information that may be sensitive or morally inaccurate to the people. This information can be considered immoral or politically inconvenient by religious groups, the government, ethnic communities and media outlets. 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Google had a framework and foundation with the vision to obtain the business of China’s customers with little to now censorship. Seeing that they needed China in the market, Google not only followed their own policies but also made key decisions adopted by the management which had major financial impact. To remain true to their mission of â€Å"to organize the world’s information and make it universally acceptableRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1200 Words   |  5 Pagesfocuses on themes of censorship, and illustrates the effects of when a society is controlled and limited. The correlation between the story and the time it was written is incontestable, as censorship in the 1950’s was a very relevant controversy of the time. During the 1950’s, there were limits on the publicity of political information, works of literature, radio, television, and other forms of media. Additionally, there were laws and pressure groups to enforce the censorship of ideas, along withRead MorePosition Paper: Censorship1391 Words   |  6 Pages Every structured society has suffered from some form of censorship of literature, art, or entertainment. Plato, the famous the famous Greek philosopher, was the first to record a method of censorship in a democratic society. In his Republic one of the first guidelines Plato designates is that The first thing will be to establish a censorship of the writers of fiction, and let the censors receive any tale of fiction which is good, and reject the bad; and we will desire mothers and nurses to tellRead MoreThe Censorship of Pornography1581 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Censorship of Pornography: Censorship is vital and takes place on a daily basis in the modern society even in nations that state their respect and maintenance of the freedom of speech. For instance, there are several regulations that restrict broadcasters in the kind of programmes to be transmitted as specific times of the day. The other ways with which censorship happens every day is through the laws that forbid people from expressing themselves publicly toward particular political or ethnicRead MoreInternet Censorship Essay994 Words   |  4 Pagesjust about everything is regulated in one fashion or another, many are calling for the censorship of Internet pornography. While some say it is a necessity when it comes to the industry, others argue it is downright unlawful. Internet pornography is a billion dollar industry that shows no signs of slowing down. Some argue that it may be high time to step in and slow it down for them in the form of censorship. A recent study concluded that there are around 4.2 million pornographic websites on the